NORDIc Photo Competition 2020
The 2020 competition had for the first time to be kept digital since the managers of the photo competition were not able to meet because of the Corona restrictions. The digital competition was kept in Denmark and the judges were photographer Liselotte Rasmussen and curator at the Maritime Museum of Denmark.
In 2020 689 photos were submitted to the competition taken by 116 photographers from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. The 15 best pictures from the national competitions were mixed, and the judges watched them and chose the winners by looking at the pictures on a big screen. The big winner of the year was Sweden.
The criteria for the choice of pictures:
The judges emphasized the human story in seafaring and the technical quality of the photos (light and colours, composition, and framing). The pictures chosen must catch the eye, touch the heart, and encourage reflection. There were many good pictures in the competition that will not be mentioned.
There are prizes for the five best pictures, and the sponsors are: The Danish Shipowners’ Accident Insurance Association (UFDS), Denmark, Sjøfartsdirektoratet, Norway, Sjöfartstidningen, Sweden, Samtök fyrirtækja í sjávarútvegi (Fisheries Iceland), Iceland og Finnlines, Finland.