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A Welcomed Stowaway - IMG_5058.jpeg
Careful With The Threads, Somwhere in the Atlantic Ocean - IMG_4974.jpeg
Daily Grind, Off South Africa - IMG_5052.jpeg
Generator Checks , Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean - IMG_5051.jpeg
High Voltage Supervision, Off the Brazil Coast - IMG_4078.jpeg
Lush Views, Itapoa, Brazil  - DSC02330.jpeg
Ocean Eyes, Qingdao, China  - IMG_5061.jpeg
Over The Side, Off coast of South Africa - IMG_5059.jpeg
Peeking Through, Somwhere in the Atlantic Ocean - IMG_5055.jpeg
Pulling Us Through, Santos, Brazil - DSC02419.jpeg
Push Me Through, Santos, Brazil - DSC02367.jpeg
Racing Against Golden Horses, Off South Africa - IMG_3161.jpeg
Scrubber at Work, Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean - IMG_4080.jpeg
Seen Through Port Holes, Somewhere in the Indian Ocean - IMG_4081.jpeg