Photo Competition for Seafarers 2021

38 photographers participated with 254 pictures in this year's Danish Photo Competition. 

The winners of The Danish Photo Competition for Seafarers 2021 have been found and like previous years seafarers on board Danish ships have participated with many exciting pictures. During the year we have received 254 photos from 38 photographers. The jury of the year was teacher in photography Jens Kostrup and photographer Olle Thorup.

On the day of the decision all pictures were presented in print and as soon as the judges had arrived, they had a quick look at the pictures to get themselves an overview, next they systematically went through the pictures and set out to find the pictures to fight for this year’s top spots.

The jury said this about the 2021 selection of pictures:

“Again, it has been a year with many good motives, and it has been a pleasure to see and having to choose the winners among them – and it hasn’t been easy! We have seen many pictures with exciting compositions, choice of color, new views, and peeps into the life of seafarers, and it is a pleasure to see the creativity of the photographers. We have considered the composition and the photographic, but at the same time we have wanted to find pictures that also tell a story.”

Below you find the winning pictures with the jury’s motivation.

In the competition we have prizes for 1st to 5th place. For the winner there is a gift card for a store of your own choice of 5.000 DKK sponsored by Den Danske Maritime Fond (The Danish Maritime Fund).

We thank all participants for the great pictures, and hope that you will participate again this year along with many more seafarers – you are welcome to submit pictures already. Check the rules on how to do.

Klik på billederne for at se dem i en større version.

Winner of The Danish Photo Competition for Seafarers 2021

Galley Cadet Laura Karas, GEORG STAGE

Title: Vessel Service

An image of a time before us, descriptive without getting nostalgic.
The picture holds the lines, the proportion between the sea and sky is right. Technically it is well done. The color balance is fine, and the composition is good. A quiet and nice picture.

Gift card of  5.000 DKK sponsored by Den Danske Maritime Fond (The Danish Maritime Fund)


2nd place
Deck Cadet Per Janus Böhme,  ARNOLD MÆRSK

Title: Working 24/7

Graphics, light, lines, and depth. The picture is a good example of photography as a graphic expression. The dramaturgy is enhanced by the horizontal and vertical lines. The light on the crane cab brings an increased dimension to the picture. Miami’s skyline forms a nice background.

Gift card of  1.000 DKK


3rd place
Title: The Happiest Jump

Dækkadet Aldrin Ulep, EMMA MÆRSK

We have life, people, drama, and great colors. The picture is full of happiness, and it is great to experience the joy – where are they going? What have they done? It is a circus act.


The photographer's own words about the photo:
“Happiest Jump is an exclamatory celebration photo for the successful Dry Docking of Emma Maersk at Yuilian Dockyards Shekou, China. The persons in the photo are young Filipino Crew from ages 20-40 who agreed in the harmonized celebratory jump more commonly known as Jumpshot among Millennials and Gen-Z’s"

Gift card of 500 DKK 


4th place
Title: Will he catch it?

Chief Engineer John Holm, SVITZER RAN

He has caught it, and we know, what will happen – the towing trot is on the way. Good composition with movement and a working situation. You get a great hunch of the dimensions and size between the two parties – the big ship and the small assistant.

Gift card of  500 DKK 

5th place
Title: Polar bears - Mother with Cubs

Crane Operator Malik Pars Markussen, MARY ARCTICA

The picture has a classic composition where the eye is led to the main character, the cub in the foreground, who keeps an eye with the photographer. There is an elegant balance between the elements of the photo, foreground, and background. The colors are awesome and help to promote the image’s narrative.

Gift card of 500,-.

Laura tog årets vinderfoto, mens hun ventede

Laura Karas_foto af Hjalte Wesenberg Lauridsen

21-årige Laura Karas, kabyselev fra skoleskibet GEORG STAGE, har vundet 1. pladsen i FOTOKONKURRENCE FOR SØFARENDE 2021.

Siden 1951 har søfarende om bord på danske skibe kunnet sende fotos fra deres hverdagsliv til søs ind til FOTOKONKURRENCE FOR SØFARENDE, som SEA HEALTH & WELFARE.

Årets vinderbillede, der bærer titlen “Fartøjstjeneste” fik følgende ord med på vejen af dommerpanelet, der i år bestod af to fotografer:

Et billede af en tid, der var før os, roligt, beskrivende uden at være nostalgisk.
Holder linjerne, tilpas forhold mellem vand og himmel. Rent fototeknisk er det godt. Fin farvebalance og godt opbygget. Et dejligt roligt billede.

Med de flotte ord og æren følger en pengepræmie på kr. 5.000.

Privatfoto_Laura Karas

En uventet badetur

Laura Karas tog billedet i august 2021, da GEORG STAGE var på vej mod Svendborg, men kastede anker i Køge Bugt.

“Det var i starten af efterårstogtet, og den danske sommer var dejlig varm. Vi fik allernådigst lov at tage på fartøjstjeneste af overstyrmand Helle Barner Jespersen. Der var hverken undervisning, rengøring eller tovender, der skulle passes”.

Eleverne fandt skibets ro-joller frem, der blev fyldt med elever, og så gik turen ellers ind mod stranden, hvor eleverne smuttede i badetøj og hoppede i bølgerne.

“Selvom vi er omgivet af havet hele tiden, så får vi meget sjældent tid eller lov til at hoppe i. Så det var en masse, glade, våde vandhunde der vendte tilbage til GEORG STAGE et par timer senere – klar til aftenskafning,” fortæller Laura Karas og det var netop her, at hun tog årets vinderfoto.  

“Jeg tog billedet, fordi jeg alligevel stod og ventede på, at det skulle min tur til at få en plads i en af ro-jollerne. Jeg havde i forvejen en ambition om at tage ét billede og ét videoklip hver dag”.

Billedet er taget fra badebroen, og man ser ro-jollen på vej mod GEORG STAGE, der ligger længere ude.  

 “Jeg tænkte ikke så meget, jeg synes bare, vandet var utroligt smukt og stille, og når jeg ser på det nu, så er der et sjovt farvespil med de røde redningsveste mod den blå himmel og vandet. Derudover er det fedt at nogen har stukket åren i vejret - som for at lave en hilsen. Det er taget med min farfars tudsegamle lille digitalkamera, så det er et mirakel at kvaliteten var så god!”.

For Laura Karas er de billeder, hun har fra togtet, vigtige minder.

“Jeg er allermest glad for de billeder, jeg har taget af mine dejlige nye venner, hvor jeg bliver mindet, om hvad der er vigtigst ved at sejle: at få fællesskabet til at fungere optimalt på trods af vores mange forskelligheder og udfordringer”.

Præmien på kr. 5.000 skal Laura Karas bruge til at indkøbe en ny telefon.